Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Simple Seedy Seedlings

Without much snow this winter and those teasing days of beautiful 60 degree weather every other week, I've had enough already.  Daylight savings in this weekend and the daylight hours are growing by the minute each day.  I am ready for warm breezes, the hot sunshine, and a garden full of food!  In anticipation of the growing season, I've started a few of my seeds inside already. I know a few of them may be a little early, but I just couldn't help myself.  I started these on Feb. 2.

Below is are the Borage seedlings that are the largest in the tray.  I will be transferring them into separate little containers within the next few days to give them more room.
Borage is an annual plant that has beautiful blue star-shaped flower clusters and very furry leaves.  This is my first time growing Borage, so I will be sure to let you know how it goes and what I end up using it for.

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