Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Roasted Cabbage

This recipe for Roasted Cabbage is delicious.  It is incredibly easy, quick, and a great way to eat a lot of cabbage instead of making another slaw.  I found this roasted cabbage to be much easier on the digestive system than the typical raw cabbage.  It also makes it easier to eat more cabbage in one sitting.  John and I were able to eat almost an entire head.  We did each take seconds and thirds because it was to tasty.

Roasted Cabbage

One head of Cabbage (I used an early green cabbage- like a Savoy)
1/3 cup Olive Oil (about)
Salt and Pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees

Cut the head of cabbage in half and cut out the core.  I then cut each half into about 5 or 6 smaller wedges and laid them in a large baking dish.  

Drizzle the olive oil over the wedges and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Bake uncovered for 25-30 minutes.  The edges will start to brown and the cabbage will become soft when it is ready.

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