Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Backyard Photoshoot

These images were taken with my PopPop's old Minolta Film Camera in my backyard.  They were shot on color film and then transferred to a CD when I got them developed, so there is no computer manipulation on any of these.  

I still really love the quality of film.  This camera takes a little extra care in focusing it, so the images end up with a nice soft quality.  I use a few different film cameras at once, so it may take a while to use the whole roll.  This allows for sweet anticipation for the day when I actually get the film developed and I can see what I have.  No instant gratification here... unless you count the wonderfully heavy camera, the loud clunk of the shutter, and the manual film advance thumb crank. (I love all those things, they are very satisfying for me)

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